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Digital Imaging

Compositing        see examples below

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Currently our workflow takes advantage of the best of both traditional and state of the art processes. While we currently shoot mostly digital we also still shoot conventional professional grade film too. We convert the image to a digital format by using one of several high resolution scanners. Our newest scanner is capable of 4000dpi optical resolution. This yields a file of up to several hundred megabytes and allows us to not only work on small details, but even the grain structure of the particular film we are using.
Click here to find out more about film verses digital.

In most cases we correct color and make adjustments where color sources either cross (such as green fluorescent lights and daylight windows) or bring out colors that are muted by the film, pigments or other reasons. An example of this is woodgrains in millwork or some automotive paint colors. We will correct perspective if using a wide angle lens and crop the image. We also can eliminate minor flaws in the computer that were not possible in front of the camera such as small cracks in surfaces, stains or reflections. We can also in many cases remove powerlines, make a brown lawn green plus add or remove signage. On a face we may make very subtle touches to remove hairs, acne, and some of the fine lines. We can even remove the gray if you like.

Our goal in all of our retouching is for it to be invisible, unnoticeable, and represent the subject not as altered but in it's most perfect state. 

Example projects:
before you look at these examples please remember that by seeing the "before" the "after" may appear differently than if had never seen the "before". While these are carefully done in super high resolution, these typically require only 1-3 hours each to retouch. In some cases as little as 15minutes. This process adds value to our work for our clients.

Architectural Projects Exteriors - Before & After

Modular Construction Projects

Industrial Projects - Before & After coming soon

Portraits - Before & After
coming soon

We currently use 4 computers, including a powerful laptop capable of editing photos & video on location. Our main editing system for both digital video and retouching photography is a dual processor unit with 6Gb of RAM. This computer also features several hard drive RAIDs, which means they act as a single huge, superfast drive. Each of these RAIDs is 1Tb (1000Gb) This system allows for maximum creativity and efficiency.  

The digital prints we produce are indistinguishable from conventional photographic prints. They are not really good inkjet prints. They are printed by laser on photographic stock. To learn more about our output options click here.

We have recently started the process of moving to an all digital studio where high resolution digital cameras replace our film cameras. This process is expected to take several years as the technology advances. To read more about this transition click here.







Digital Imaging
Digital Imaging

All Text, Code & Images © 2001-2010  JOHN LACY PHOTOGRAPHY LLC 800.317.1026  
No Images may be reproduced nor distributed without specific prior written authorization.      
All Images copyright watermarked by Digimarc & MetaData Tagged.  

Proshooter.com LLC, John Lacy Photography LLC & Diane Lacy Photography LLC are DBAs of Real Smart Marketing LLC a Michigan Limited Liability Company

Questions and comments can be Emailed to Proshooter@gmail.com