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Reasons to hire us!

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#10   We are professional in the way we represent you
as well as the way we represent ourselves.
#9   We can offer you a wide range of options
to best meet your needs.
#8   We can make all arrangements so you don't have to.
#7   We can deliver finished, ready to use digital files for your immediate use, saving you time and money!
#6   We pride ourselves on the quality and value we deliver.
#5   We use only the finest optics including Carl Zeiss Hasselblad and Canon "L" professional series lenses. Most of our lenses cost between $1000-2000 each and produce a level of quality unmatched by lesser lenses.
#4   We bring a unique mix of creativity and objective reason to the images we create. They are pleasing but also serve function towards your objective goals.
#3   First published in 1980 and shooting professionally since 1987 (now over 20 years!), we have formal training in graphic design as well as photography plus John Lacy worked for over 100 other photographers prior to working for himself as a fulltime shooter. John has shot for many fortune 500 companies including working for Ford Motor Co. for 7 years. John's work has been on numerous magazine covers, billboards, as well as countless brochures, annual reports and catalogs.
#2   We want you to be happy with the results, and even more importantly we believe when applied to it's full potential what we create should not cost you money, it should make you money. 
#1   You've already got plenty of other things to worry about. When you hire us we will get the job done! No worries.

All Text, Code & Images © 2001-2010  JOHN LACY PHOTOGRAPHY LLC 800.317.1026  
No Images may be reproduced nor distributed without specific prior written authorization.      
All Images copyright watermarked by Digimarc & MetaData Tagged.  

Proshooter.com LLC, John Lacy Photography LLC & Diane Lacy Photography LLC are DBAs of Real Smart Marketing LLC a Michigan Limited Liability Company

Questions and comments can be Emailed to Proshooter@gmail.com