Photography & Video Services
We will go where ever you need us to make great images for your marketing.
We are based in South Eastern Michigan North of Detroit.
On the map below you can see that our immediate area of coverage runs from Lansing to Port Huron and Saginaw to Toledo and includes all of the major markets in SE Michigan.

Our immediate service area is anywhere within 50 miles of our studio.
Our portable studio enables us to bring everything we need. In some cases we hire local assistants and rent equipment as needed. Previous projects have set us on tours that included Western Indiana, Southern Illinois, Western Tennessee, Iowa, North Easter South Dakota and Southern Michigan. Other projects have required us to fly in to Denver to shoot a site in the middle of the night and another in Clearwater Florida.
Let us know what your project requires and we will be happy to provide a complete and accurate quote that includes all travel costs.

We also have family in Indianapolis, Cleveland, Rockford and Kalamazoo as well as Southern and Northern California, New Orleans, Metropolitan Tampa Bay, Long Island NY and Allen Town PA. Because of this we can set our base at any of these locations with little to no additional cost to our clients. We are happy to make all arrangements for transportation and lodging if you should need us to make a tour of multiple locations for your brochure, website or annual report.